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Know More About Scarring Alopecia & It's Best Natural Treatments

Scarring AlopeciaScarring alopecia (cicatricial alopecia) is known for rare inflammatory scalp disorders that destroy the hair follicle, replace it with scar tissue and cause permanent hair loss. Hair will not regrow once the follicle is destroyed. It is very important to begin proper treatment which controls inflammatory process and save surrounding follicles before they are destroyed. Cicatricial alopecias are not contagious. Unlike alopecia areata, cicatricial alopecias are also known for its unpredictable behaviour and difficult to treat. According to trigger factors, cicatricial alopecias are classified as primary cicatricial alopecia and secondary cicatricial alopecia. Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), Lichen planopilaris (LPP), Frontal fibrosing alopecia, Pseudopelade of brocq, Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (CCCA), Folliculitis decalvans and Folliculitis (acne) keloidalis are known as primary cicatricial alopecia. However cicatricial alopecia due to external injury, severe infections, burns, radiation, tumors are known as secondary cicatricial alopecia. In such conditions destruction of the hair follicle is incidental to a non-follicle-directed process. Medical science does not know the perfect cause or triggers for cicatricial alopecia. Most common signs are redness on affected area, inflammation, scaling, hyper or hypo pigmentation, bare and smooth skin without pores, and pustules in some cases.
Classification of Scarring alopecia (cicatricial alopecia)
Lichen Planopilaris (LPP)
Pseudopelade of Bronque
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE)
Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia (FFA)
Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia (CCCA)

How are cicatricial alopecias diagnosed?

Making a diagnosis of cicatricial alopecia is always challenging. Clinical examination of the scalp is important and crucial to make a diagnosis. Initially it looks like alopecia areata. A doctor may find few signs or symptoms on scalp like itching, burning, pain, tenderness, tingling, redness, inflammation scaling and sometimes pustules. In some cases, cicatricial alopecia spreads very slowly, without symptoms, and is unnoticed for long periods. In other cases, it could be rapidly progressive associated with severe itching, burning and pain. Cicatricial alopecia is not contagious. For making a final diagnosis, scalp biopsy is very useful.

Is there any perfect cure for cicatricial alopecia? Will my hair grow back?

There is no 100% perfect cure for cicatricial alopecia. Hair will not regrow once the follicles are destroyed. The main focus of the treatment will be how to prevent further damage or how to deactivate the disease.

How are cicatricial alopecia treated by conventional doctors? Are there any side effects? How Ayurvdea or natural treatment is useful?

Conventional doctors are treating cicatricial alopecia with anti-inflammatory medications and topical corticosteroids. Oral medications including hydroxychloroquine, doxycycline, cyclosporine and In some cases, intra-dermal injections of corticosteroids are also used on symptomatic areas of the scalp. Unfortunately, all those treatment have been proved less effective and it has serious side effects if taken for long period. Compare to conventional treatment, Ayurveda has been proved as most effective and safest way to treat all types of scarring alopecia.

What is Ayurveda and Naturopathy ? Why Dr. Rohit's natural treatment is better compare to other options? Which oils & herbs are used in the treatment of scarring alopecia ?

Naturopathy TreatmentAyurveda is the traditional medicine of India, which originated there over 5,000 years ago. Using Ayurveda and Naturopathy concepts, Dr. Rohit Shah has developed a highly effective and 100% safe topical natural treatment which has given new hope for those who are suffering from stressful condition named scarring alopecia. After graduation in Ayurveda, Dr. Rohit started research on which are the best natural treatment options for various types of Hair loss. During his clinical practice, Dr. Rohit Shah successfully treated global patients with customized topical natural treatments. The beauty of Dr. Rohit's treatment is no oral or injectable medications to deal with scarring alopecia. Dr. Rohit's website is working as a successful cyber clinic since 1990. Ayurveda is the traditional medicine of India, which originated there over 5,000 years ago. Ayu means "life" and Veda means "science." Ayurveda means the science of life. Ayurveda and Naturopathy are alternative medicine that focuses on holistic approach to treating the disease. The biggest advantage of Dr. Rohit's Natural Treatment is it does not contain any oral medications. The concept of Dr. Rohit's treatment is based on Ayurveda and Naturopathy books. The treatment is completely customised for every individual. The products are prepared according to history given by the patient, types of alopecia, age, gender, weather of the country etc. The treatment contains natural oils, extracts and mask. Applications are very convenient that anyone can use it at home. The mode of application does not disturb office hours. The products do not contain any perfume, fragrance or colours. The products are prepared at a registered Ayurveda pharmacy under the strict norms of Ayurveda. The main oils and herbs used in the treatment are: Sesame Oil, Coconut oil, Motiya (Jasmine), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Bhringaraj (Eclipta alba), Gotu kola (Centella asiatica), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Licorice, Musk root (Nardostachys jatamansi), Nutgrass (Cyprus rotundus), Indrayan (Citrullus colcynthis) (Bitter apple), Indian licorice (Gunja) (Abrus precatorius), Daru Haridra (Berberris asiatica), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Karanj (Pongamia glabra), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Bakuchi (Psoralea corylifolia) and few other ayurveda herbs. Topical Ayurvedic herbs and oils are effective to slow down the inflammatory process and have proven a safe and better alternate to cope up with scarring alopecia. However the exact pharmacological action of these herbs and oils are not yet known.
Dr Rohits natural treatment for scarring alopecia
Dr Rohits natural treatment for scarring alopecia
Dr Rohits natural treatment for scarring alopecia
Dr Rohits natural treatment for scarring alopecia

If I start Dr. Rohit's natural treatment, when will I see the result ? What will be the duration of the treatment?

In most cases, natural treatment start giving its results after completion of 4-6 months of treatments but in few chronic cases, this may take 9-12 months. The perfect duration of the treatment for complete recovery could be variable for every individual. This could be minimum 12 months to few years.

Once I start the treatment, will it immediately stop progress of scarring alopecia ? Is it normal to get new patch even though I am under any treatment?

Remember that there is nothing like a rapid cure for scarring alopecia. If scarring alopecia is in active and progressive stage, no treatment can stop it immediately. There are chances of new patches or progress of scarring alopecia even though you are under any treatment.

Does Dr. Rohit's natural therapy make the patient lifetime free from scarring alopecia ? Once I stop the treatment, will I lose my hair again? Will I have to use natural products rest of my life?

No treatments or therapy can guarantee that a patient will remain symptom free for the rest of the life. Certain circumstances or trigger may cause recurrences. However compare to other treatments, Dr. Rohit's natural therapy gives long lasting results and relapse ratio is very low. Patient can stop the applications step by step as per our guide line. No need to use the natural products rest of your life.

Are there any side effects of natural treatment? Can I use natural products during pregnancy ?

There are no known side effects of Dr. Rohit's topical natural treatments because it does not contain any chemicals or oral pills. External natural treatment can be used during pregnancy. However we recommend consulting your gynaecologist before using the products.

Can the natural products be used with dietary supplements, multivitamins or homeopathic treatment? Can I use apply the oils during pregnancy ?

Topical natural products can be used with dietary supplements, multivitamins or homeopathic treatment. It can also be used during pregnancy. However we recommend consulting your gynaecologist before using the products.

I am not living in India. How to consult Dr. Rohit Shah for my problem? Can the products deliver to any international address?

International patientsIt is not a problem if the patient stays in India or any corner of the world. Anyone can apply for the treatment or video consultation with Dr. Rohit Shah from the new patient registration link ( For international patients, we dispatch the products through reputed international shipping companies with all required documents. However every country has different custom clearance procedure and law. We respect and follow them. For international patients, it takes maximum 17-20 days to receive the products.

I am in India and want to consult Dr. Rohit Shah for my problem? How to apply ? How long does it take to deliver the products to any Indian address?

Anyone can apply for the treatment or video consultation with Dr. Rohit Shah from the new patient registration link ( For Indian patients, we dispatch the products through national courier services which take maximum 7-10 days to deliver the products.

What will be the cost of Dr. Rohit's natural treatments?

Treatment packages are specially designed according to country weather. Cost depends on the country you belong to. The natural products are also prepared according to the diagnosis and types of alopecia. The cost includes 6 months of natural products with shipment charges. Refer to the link for cost of the treatments.
scarring alopecia

Suffering from Scarring Alopecia ? Interested in Dr. Rohit's Natural Treatment? Click here

Content written on this page is based on long clinical experience of Dr. Rohit Shah. The text, images and other references are for information purpose only. The motto is awareness of alternative treatments and to give benefits to worldwide alopecia areata patients. The information given on this page is not a substitute of professional medical advice.


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