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  Split Ends - Treat Them With These Ayurvedic Remedies!

split ends

Split ends is a cause of concern, especially among women. Split ends badly affect the quality of your hair and also do not look good. It is important that you get rid of split ends as soon as possible. Some of the causes for split ends are excessive combing, lack of conditioning, combing wet hair, deficiency of nutrients in the body, exposure of the hair to pollution and dust, using chemical colours on hair, etc.

In this article we are going to discuss some ayurvedic ways in which you can get rid of split ends:

Oiling Your Hair: It is very important that you oil your hair on a regular basis. You should oil your hair and leave the oil on your hair for 1 hour before you wash your hair. You can use coconut oil, almond oil or Bhringamalakadi taila. Just like you shampoo your hair, you will need to oil your hair frequently to keep it nourished and prevent split ends from developing.

Use a Wide Toothed Comb: You should use a wide toothed comb to detangle your hair. Using a wide toothed comb will prevent your hair from getting damaged any further. Small or sharp combs tangle the hair even more which makes it very difficult for you to detangle.

Use Herbal Based Shampoos: You should use mild shampoos which are herbal based as they will not damage your hair. Using shampoos which have ayurvedic ingredients will not only help repair your split ends but will also help in strengthening your hair. Prevent dying or using chemicals to colour your hair which causes more damage than good to the natural balance to your hair.

Diet: A big part of any ayurvedic treatment or remedy is diet. It is very important that you pay close attention to your diet if you want to get rid of split ends. You should include certain foods like spinach, egg, curry leaves, milk and amla in your diet. These foods not only help in repairing your split ends but also helps the body in many other ways.

We hope that this article will help you in repairing your split ends the ayurvedic way. Ayurveda is one of the best ways of healing and everyone benefits from it.

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